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浙江天台车博士汽车用品有限公司是专业生产汽车坐垫,坐垫套,按摩坐垫,加热坐垫,加热毯,空调坐垫.太阳挡,脚垫等,各种汽车用品的公司,产品远销欧美,日本,韩国,东南亚等地.本公司坚持"品质创造品牌,细节决定成败".借助先进设备和技术力量,不断引进技术改造和产品开发,为我们立足市场.赶超同行同类产品创造一流水平走出了一条新路.展望未来,我们充满信心.我们将以求实.创新的企业精神.使客户的每一分钱都能买到十足的价值,质量服务. Zhejiang Tientai Dr. Che the automobile thing limited company is the specialized production massage cushion, heats up the cushion, heats up the blanket, the cool breeze cushion. Sun visor, foot pad and so on, each kind of automobile thing company,The product sells in distant markets Europe and America, Japan, South Korea, places such as Southeast Asia. This company persists the ; quality creation brand, detail decision success or failure ;. With the aid of the advanced equipment and the technical force, introduces the technological transformations and the product dev... [详细介绍]
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